​ Construction Simulation
BIM is Digital simulation of construction activity. Before actual execution on site, all the activity related to construction of the structure is been done in BIM software, All the hurdle which come on site will be tracked in this process.
The clashes are been resolved via BIM implementation. Then clash free model is been linked with time & cost and a digital simulation is been created to analyse all aspect of the project.
Construction simulation can be used by :
- Onwers & builders to know the project cost, duration and to have a project control
- Site Engineer while execution
- Project manager can manage data , project status monitoring and procurement of goods
- Estimator has the quantity and cost data
- Consumer can have a view in how much time project can be completed and possession can be obtain
- Marketing team can be benefited because actual 3DView and walk through is been constructed with all engineering elements.
In simple words built before it's actually build.